Our video tutorials on YouTube YOUR FOREST IN YOUR POCKET – how landowners find their parcel easily and check it´s health COSTUMER VOICES – how a costumer uses WoodsApp with a great impact on his work (in German) https://youtu.be/KOCfUtOQE5c Installing WoodsApp & getting started https://youtu.be/3YGYJ9-wASY?si=x9RBHlndUfQBZl0Y Searching, finding and adding parcels https://youtu.be/RHUA4-6D4QI How to connect your parcel to a Forest Organization https://youtu.be/bJ_2X5hIR94 How to delete several elements & show several elements on the map https://youtu.be/fnnIJNnEeHg Working with WoodsApp’s Vitality Map