Drought, insects?

Landowners, we provide you with the satellite data about your forest and notify you of any detected signs of stress.

You as a forest owner have a lot to gain from using this data to make informed decisions about your land. You will be able to prevent possible risks earlier and take action to address any issues before they become more serious.

Just download the app and start benefiting from our easy-to-use platform!

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Download WoodsApp now

If you want to keep an eye on your forest from the comfort of your home,
download WoodsApp!


This is how you benefit from WoodsApp

You will find these features available already now:

icon1Official parcel data in Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt.

icon6We monitor your parcel with satellite data and notify you about the health of your trees

icon3You get access to breath-taking satellite aerial imagery and topographic maps of your forest

icon9You will be able to create observations on the map, take photos, and geolocate them within the app.

icon4Benefit from the news feeds about forests and environment.

icon10See large-scale changes in the forest at a glance.

This is what our customer says about WoodsApp

Don’t miss a thing on your land!

We offer you a cutting-edge technology via our maps and let you benefit from our know-how about monitoring and processing satellite data!

You’ll see immediately if your land needs any help by checking our data. You won’t be driving anymore for nothing!

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Watch us on YouTube

How to find your parcels in the app

Do you have your cadastral number? Perfect! Now all you have to do is to fill up the number in the app and we show you your parcel(s) and everything you need to know about the health of the vegetation.

We help you to navigate to your parcels on the map and you will be able to find your area by pinpointing it. You always need to fill in your number – also for pinpointing!

For more help, check our tutorials: https://woodsapp.com/en/support/

We also have noticed that our users often don’t have the cadastral number, and don’t always have an idea where on the map the land is situated. If this is your case, we can’t do much and recommend you to contact the cadastral office in your area to get the cadastral number. Then you are the most welcome to come back in the app!

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We got your back!

We alert you in case of imminent risks or damages.

If you see purple dots on your parcel or nearby, it would be wise to get to know better what has happened. The dots mean change or reduced health status.

Organisations working nearby your parcels have also the possibility to send you notifications if they have detected something important.

You are not left alone: professionals are at your disposal.

Our business is to provide a platform where landowners like you and various organizations can connect and interact with each other. We aim to facilitate communication between those who have questions and those who can provide answers. With WoodsApp, it’s easy to find an appropriate organization to provide the service you need. Let us help you to connect!

We are constantly adding new features to our app, with the goal of providing all the information you need for owning and managing land, in one place. Stay tuned and don’t miss out!

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You will find these handy features during next version updates!

  • Stay informed by notifications about any detected changes or risks in your forest or nearby areas.
  • Create tasks for service providers if you need their help and then be able to track their progress.
  • Chat with other WoodsApp users. You have plenty in common so why not to share thoughts and ideas!
  • Take advantage of the marketplace available to you. More users in the app means more services or products to provide, you don’t want to miss a good opportunity!

    If you are interested, read more on our Update history page.

Download WoodsApp now

If you want to keep an eye on your land property from the comfort of your home,
download WoodsApp!
