Welcome to use WoodsApp Pro!

Are you a forestry association and offer services for your forest owners?

Do you manage your forest areas yourself as a private forest organisation, municipality or church forestry company?

If yes, then you are in the right place!

WoodsApp Pro supports forest organisations by providing up-to-date data and creating a direct communication opportunity with the forest owners.

The combination of mobile app and web application enables the seamless exchange of data and information between you and your customers, members and consultants.

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WoodsApp Pro – what’s in it for you?

WoodsApp Pro’s main feature is a flexible task management that allows you as a forest professional to manage your  work and the work of your contractors in an easy and fast way. Read more here.

icon5Create and assign tasks effortlessly

icon11Send messages from the web application directly to forest owners’ smartphones

icon6Perfect overview of members’ forests with official parcels and their vitality

icon2Create notes directly on your map and simplify communication

icon4Reach your members through news channel or use the chat feature

icon12Contact detail of the forest owners are available to you for easy management of the parcels



User friendly web application

You get a comprehensive overview of your customers who own forests and their respective forest areas.

Platform allows you to send targeted communication with forest owners and it also ensures quick and easy discussions via chat.

You can also add external partners or forest experts as members of your organisation


Why forest owners use WoodsApp

  • They can locate and navigate to their parcels using the interactive map feature.
  • “Urban” forest owners can find professional advice tailored to their specific needs

  • They stay informed about potential risks, tree damage, or drought stress through regularly updated maps that provide real-time information about the conditions in their forests.

  • They receive expert guidance from the forestry organisation to ensure optimal forest conversion that aligns with climate and site requirements.

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Strong Backend in the Cloud

    • A powerful cloud environment ensures fast data provision in the background.
    • Remote sensing data from ESA (Copernicus) provide timely, up-to-date satellite images.
    • Methods of “self-learning artificial intelligence” evaluate the data and provide constantly improved map material.
    • Changes in satellite data, such as storm surge areas, are automatically detected and displayed.
    • Drought damage to trees can be detected early and affected forest owners can be informed.


    benefiting register

    1. Register

    Register your organization for WoodsApp Pro on registration.woodsapp.com

    benefiting manage

    2. Manage

    Manage your estates via this easy-to-use online web application

    benefiting add

    3. Add

    Add your colleagues or other experts as members to your organisation

    benefiting use

    4. Use

    Allow the members of your organisation to use the mobile version of WoodsApp Pro and let them do their work properly when they are outdoors!